Benefits of Our Association

Neighborhood associations are unique organizations that can serve as powerful advocacy groups for a neighborhood when they are effective. Neighborhood associations provide the organizational structure to create a sort of “lobby group” for a neighborhood—based on the will of those who know it best.

The knowledge, experience, and will of members are the guiding authority for the association. Members determine what actions are pursued, how, and when. Neighborhood associations provide a means for members to organize interests and pursue collective action.

Neighborhood association have the potential to speak—with authority—to local government and elected officials.  In some cities, neighborhood associations have an additional—permanent—role in decision making processes that affect their neighborhood. Neighborhood associations work to ensure that their neighborhood has adequate amenities and services to give the desired quality of life, while also providing local government officials with public input—an often desired and elusive attribute of local government.

Neighborhood associations build social networks through the development of relationships between members and non-members through re-peated interaction. This strengthens the group’s ability to engage in open dialogue and deliberations which can lead to more informed decisions and effective actions. When neighborhood associations have widespread and sustained participation, reinforce building and maintaining social relationships, and when decision-making authority is widespread among members, they can be a self-sustaining mechanism for the betterment of neighborhoods and communities.

Five Points Neighbors Assocation Meetings

Our general assembly meetings have been put on indefinite hold due to COVID.


FPNA By-Laws